1. Here is a very complete account of a UFO sighting by Stephen Noyes of Kansas, about an unexplained object he saw in 1984.
"I was working on the ATSF RR as a brakeman, when I was called to work a freight train at 1:00 am. I sat myself in the caboose coupla, as we left town, I noticed to the southeast ahead of our train a light, about the height of a radio tower. This got my attention, as I traveled between Newton and Dodge City for the previous 15 years, and thought a new radio antenna had been erected very recently, so it got my attention.
As we left Dodge City, I watched this light intently, and I quickly came to the realization that it wasn't a tower, but an object with lights in a circular pattern, with a triangular pattern on the inside. No red or green lights were visible, which I thought was strange for an aircraft. I also noticed that it was holding dead still, as if it was on string. It seemed to be a couple of hundred feet off the ground, over a feedlot. What was also strange about this aircraft, which I thought was a helicopter, was that it was within a couple of miles of the Dodge City airport, within the normal landing path of planes.
I watched this object from the caboose steps as we wound up a hill out of Dodge City on our trip to Newton, Kansas. I was so struck by this weird object, that I asked the conductor to come see it... he looked at it, shrugged, and said he hadn't a clue what it was. I watched it for ten minutes, as far as Wright, Kansas. It stayed in the exact spot, never moving.
We built up speed, and traveled to Offerele, Kansas at 60 mph, arriving at a siding track thirty minutes later. As we were stopped, I got off the caboose to check the train and wait for an approaching west bound train, when I noticed to the southwest, a pair of headlight type lights approaching, just above the ground. Remember this is flat country and you can see for MILES and MILES. No trees. Approx. a mile from us, in a farmer's field, it began to rise slowly but deliberately to an unknown height. I quickly got on the caboose, and shut off the refrigerator ac converter, so I could hear, and I went out on the ground and watched the object "float" over our train.
It was a very quiet morning, the stars were very bright. It was a crystal clear viewing night. I strained to hear sounds coming from this object, since I thought it was a helicopter. I could hear a small stripper well chug chugging away in a farmer's field to the south (at least a mile away), but no sound came from this object. I called attention to the Engineer and the head brakeman about this object, but they weren't interested in checking it out. As I said, the conductor, Bill Henderson, just shrugged it off, as something he couldn't explain, and he left it at that. After the object floated over the train, it disappeared, and I never saw it again. This is the One and Only sighting I have ever had, and I have worked many, many nights across Western Kansas.
I still remember this event clearly, just like I remember other significant things in my life (like the birth of my daughters, marriage, etc.) I don't know if this silent object was a secret military aircraft. I know what it wasn't. It wasn't Venus, swamp gas, or hysteria. A few years later, HBO had a special on UFO's, and someone had video shots of an object that was seen at night, that had the lights configured exactly like the object I saw. The lights were not extremely bright, they looked like normal lights."
2. The next sighting, from JN of Ontario, Canada occurred more recently in November 1995. The UFO was seen during the day.
"Two friends and myself were walking West down my street. We could see an object above the tree line, and I joked that it was a UFO. Then the object dropped about and inch and a half in the sky. It tumbled over itself. Then it continued to move forward and disappeared after half a minute. The object was reflecting sunlight, however when it "tumbled" part of it could be seen not to reflect sunlight, either the top or underside of the object.
We were all amazed by the sighting having seen nothing like it before. We have had much discussion about what the object might be since the sighting, but have not come to anything conclusive".
Check in next month when we expect to have some eyewitness photographs and sketches for you!