1. Here is a very complete account of a UFO sighting by Stephen Noyes of Kansas, about an unexplained object he saw in 1984. 2. The next sighting, from JN of Ontario, Canada occurred more recently in November 1995. The UFO was seen during the day.

Check in next month when we expect to have some eyewitness photographs and sketches for you!

Some of the interesting and
unusual features seen on the
Martian surface.
CD Rom Review: The Marsface Region Database.

Mars - the "Red Planet" is one of our closest neighbors in the solar system (Venus is closer) and it has always fascinated mankind. This collection of high resolution photos of the planet's surface taken by the Viking and Mariner spacecraft, was assembled and catalogued by Nick Marella. The CD Rom medium is an excellent way of archiving a collection of photos like this. The CD contains over 1300 high resolution images.
There are many interesting shots of the surface. You can easily see the so-called "face on Mars" which stands out clearly from the background features surrounding it. More interesting though, is a well defined area on the planet's surface that appears to be made up of regular geometric shapes. Dubbed "Inca City" by the scientists at NASA, the resemblance to some kind of construction is remarkable. Some people claim they are irrigation canals.
Although most of the photos are black and white there are several interesting color shots as well. You can browse through different areas of the Mars surface as seen by the spacecraft from different altitudes. It's almost like being there! As a suggestion, I would like to see a simpler browse program added to the CD for accessing the images more directly. Nevertheless, for anyone even mildly curious about Mars and the artifacts on its surface, this is a great resource.

Got a question about UFOs?

Here are some sample questions from the "Interview" section of Unity Publishing's CD Rom
"Ufos...the Real Story". Just click on the icon to hear Stanton Friedman's answer.
Note: The ToolVox plug-in is needed to listen to the compressed files. If you don't have the plug-in and would like to get it, click here.

What percentage of the public has seen a UFO?
For a WAV version of the file (Size=270k), click here
When was the first UFO sighting?
For a WAV version of the file (Size=331k), click here
Wouldn't it violate the laws of physics to get here?
For a WAV version of the file (Size=206k), click here
Did a UFO really crash in Roswell, New Mexico?
For a WAV version of the file (Size=388k), click here
Is there any proof UFOs really exist?
For a WAV version of the file (Size=257k), click here
What percentage of UFO sightings are hoaxes?
For a WAV version of the file (Size=151k), click here
Is there a connection between Crop Circles and UFOs?
For a WAV version of the file (Size=188k), click here

⌐1996 MediaNet Communications (medianet@nbnet.nb.ca)

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